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Donald Trump Challenged, But To Do What?

Donald Trump Challenged, But To Do What?

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After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables.

It’s ON!

Which could mean, it’s OFF!

Mark Cuban has laid down the gauntlet with a counter challenge after Donald Trump‘s outlandish offer to only donate five million dollars to charity if President Obama releases his college and passport records.

Cuban who owns the Dallas Mavericks branded Trumps challenge as “one of the dumbest things he’d ever heard” while talking on Fox4 News.

Right there and then he turned the tables and mocked the ageing businessman by throwing in his own counteroffer.

$1m to any charity of Donalds choice, IF he shaves his head. Mark seemed to start the offer off jokingly while shooting hoops on TV, but then he kinda went with it. So the hair that is almost as famous as Trumps obsession of toppling Obama might end up no more.

With hurricane Sandy leaving a tragic aftermath he’d extended his challenge to Obama, which was ignored.
After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables. After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables. After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables. After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables. After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables. After challenging the President, entrepreneur Mark Cuban turns the tables.

The post Donald Trump Challenged, But To Do What? appeared first on Splash.

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