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Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million

Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million

Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million

Ever been sued for $100,000,000?

We haven’t so we don’t really know what it feels like. Chances are it resembles being kicked to the nether-regions by a steel-toed boot on a cold winter’s day. Or possibly even worse. If you really want to know how it stabs the gut, just ask Shakira because her ex-boyfriend just lobbed a lawsuit asking for just that.

He’s basically saying how he helped set up her recent works, helped with deals, and all that other stuff that’s going to generate millions in future earnings. So the guy wants his fair share of the pie.

No word on whether Shakira is willing to cut the check, but we’re betting another $100,000,000 that she fires back at him a nasty letter from her legal team.

Check out the gallery. We got a couple of old shots of him. 
Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million

The post Shakira and her hips are getting sued for $100 million appeared first on Splash.

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