
Violeta Zone

Fashion and Healthy Lifestyle

Cats whiskers for Kidney Inflammation

EXCEPT as an ornamental plant, cat's whiskers were efficacious treat disorders of kidney stones and kidney inflammation.

Plants with this aristatus Orthosiphon latin name included in the family Lamiaceae /Labiatae. Cat whiskers generally grow in places with an altitude of 500-1200 m above sea level.

As a drug, you can take advantage of the wet leaves mapun cat whiskers dry. For thistreatment, provide 25 g of leaf cat whiskers, 25 g of leaf ngokilo, 25 g of leaf meniranwith 25 g of roots and leaves nasty shard.

Rinse and materials were then boiled in four cups of water. Wait until the boiling cooking water and drink it in a day. Hopefully helpful!

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