
Violeta Zone

Fashion and Healthy Lifestyle

Tomatoes, the Tiny Rich Benefits

TOMATO than used as a complement to cuisine also has a variety of benefits for health.The tiny red or orange color green is rich in vitamins A and C are good for the body. Of the various types of tomatoes, the kind of tomato fruit is best consumed.

Unlike other vegetables, tomatoes do not contain the benefits will be reduced if cooked.Instead it is suggested that eating tomatoes by means processed first. Substancescontained in tomatoes to crush radical debas in cooking. Lycopene tomatoes will also be issued more after being processed.

The content of lycopene may prevent cell damage as a trigger cervical cancer, prostatecancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. Moreover, it can treat digestivedisorders, diarrhea, restoring the function of liver and gall attacks. Yellow gel on tomato seeds to prevent clotting and blood clots cause strokes and heart disease.

But remember, eating tomatoes are mixed in a dish with excessive fat and sugar, notgood for health.

Savor other tomato that is for beauty, such as treating acne, smoothing the face, reduceblackheads also brighten the skin. Do the following:

Treating acne. Boil the tomatoes, then cut into pieces. Rub tomato piece on the facialacne. Let stand ten minutes, rinse face with water. Perform routine until the acnedisappears.

To smooth the face, you simply put water tomato juice on the face. Meanwhile, tobrighten the skin, by applying a tomato that has been destroyed.

Tomatoes are also useful to reduce blackheads. Way, tomato puree and mixed withhoney. Spread the mixture on your face and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse with warmwater.
(@ y/CN16)

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