
Violeta Zone

Fashion and Healthy Lifestyle

Shampooing with Apple Vinegar?

Fermented apple juice is called regular or apple vinegar is useful not only add flavorcuisine.

Apple cider vinegar also has a number of other benefits for health and kecantkan. One was to add to the beauty of hair.

In addition to easy and cheap, as a cleaner natural hair, apple vinegar is safe. And you need not confused in choosing hair cleaning products that are now emerging in the market with different brands.

Moreover, the promise in the ad cleanser or shampoo your hair does not always correspond with the results.

Organic apple vinegar to restore the natural pH of hair. Content of Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are also beneficial vinegar removes dead skin cells on the scalp and hairresidues.

Then how do I use cider vinegar? easy really. You only need to provide a ¼ cup apple cider vinegar diluted with 1 cup of water. Combine the two and pour into all parts of the scalp and hair.

Massage scalp gently until the mixture feels pervasive. Rinse hair with warm water untilclean. You can do this treatment every day. Easy is not it? Hopefully helpful!

(@ y/bbs/CN16)

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